Monday, December 27, 2010

Magnified Emotion

Whats in a song? Lyrics, tunes, sound, rhythm, heart.... i think it is for us to decide. I believe there are two kinds of people out there in this world that to listen to music, there are two kinds of people out there. There is the lyric people, the people like me who listen to the lyrics, the meaning of the song and annalize the hell out of it. We are the ones that can feel the words in our heart the kind that cause us to think or relate with the musician to such a strong extent that you feel like they know exactly how you feel and know exactly what your going through. Or the music people, kind that listen to the music just to dance, they are the ones who like the beat, the sounds that get them off their feet and put them in the mood to move. I sorta think there is magic in lyrics, new songs or songs that i have never heard always seem to find me when the lyrics fit perfectly with what I am going through. 

I don't know what it is about music  that can change my mood, or give me hope, but all I know is I wouldn't know what to do without it.
This was a gift for my best friend Julias Birthday

I love the look of boots with high socks
It gives a pop of fun to your legs! 
I think God gave us music, ultimately to worship Him. But not solemnly for that reason alone, for a way to be creative, for a way to connect with each other, a way to magnify emotions. God has told us multiple times to sing to him in worship. He has also blessed us with many gifts, some are good at athletics, others are better at artistic things much like music. So he us humans beautiful voices, or talents with instruments, but whatever it is we need to use it to glorify our Creator. Music is an emotional outlet, it is a way for the artists to realise there emotions, and those who listen to the music receive an emotional experience.

This is not fact what so ever, it is just my take on the subject. But one fact is that I love music, all kinds, i love that it allows you to cope with the lyrics in the songs a way that nothing else can do. Or it allows you to forget your worries and be carefree and just dance.

~Sincerely Sophie 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A so called Adventure.... or a funny insident!

This has no depth to it, it is simply a,
       Funny story..... last Saturday a group of us up here at collage went to the Spectrum ( a local outdoor mall) there were about 20 of us. We walked around and just enjoyed the smells and sounds of Christmas time. Finally our reservation at the Cheese Cake factory was called, and we followed in a line as the weightier sat us at our table. We all were in conversation until our orders were ready. For me I was sharing with two of my friends (Ashlee and Laila) When we got our dish we began eating, just to find a hair in the food.... which was the start of the interesting evening....
    You see toward the end of our meal Laila asked me to come with her on an adventure to find the rest room, so we began to hunt for it. I was trying to not slip on the freshly waxed floors, but that was a fail and of course I fell. but that's not the best part, we go to the restroom and it was one of those one stall one person kinds, so Laila offered to use the men's. I came out of the women's and looked her but I didn't see her. And so of course I thought she was still in the restroom. Then I proceeded to knock and push the doors open.... only to my surprise it was not Laila standing in front of me. Instend it was a well put together suprisingly tall asian MAN! It was like I was a dear in head for lights, abruptly I turned around coved my eyes and hurried back to the table. As the man stood in confusion.But Laila was still not there! Finally, she returned to the table and she told me she was stuck in the stall and the "MAN" that I had seen used the urinal while she was in there! I told her my side of the story. Oh yeah and the man from the restroom was sitting right across from us. In the end Laila could not have been any more right. It was an ADVENTURE to the bathroom.

The group of us out on the town! 

~Sincerely Sophy 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

To be forever in your arms

      God created man and realized that he needed a partner. “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man HE MADE INTO A WOMAN, and He brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:21) Recently a group of my friends and I were talking, and it makes you wonder if there is that one guy or girl out there for you. Like "the one" or whatever! I honestly don't know, I do know that I have been praying for my husband since I was in the eighth grade. But I have yet to find him, or maybe I already know him, and I don't know what the impact this guy will have in my life. I was also recently asked if I thought I would marry any Vanguard guys? I have to say that I think this would be such a cool thing to happen... The Vanguard men are great men of God and gentlemen ( there is always those exceptions), but so I guess it would be a yes i could possibly marry a VU man someday. ha I want to find a man that will hold me forever, as God will always hold me.

I made this on polyvore 
I was just feeling creative I guess, and this went with this post ha. 

-Today is thanksgiving, it was so low key. I came home yesterday, and got to hangout with my family, and friends! That is what I am truly thankful for is my family and friends. But also for school, and that I am so blessed to go to this university. My sister Olivia and I helped cook dinner and we had such a wonderful meal. But we ate over five hours ago and I'm still full! ha oh the fun thanksgiving. 

~Sincerely Sophie 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is it a Destination?

Ive been thinking a lot about happiness lately. Most of us go through life trying to get to the place in life where we will truly be happy. We say things like if only I had this house, or once I am married and have a family then I will be happy. Life seems unattainable at times, and we feel like we cannot be happy, and just sit and sulk. I am not sure why but humans tend to treat happiness as if it is a destination, or a place we are going, and will be at someday. I think it is rather a mood not as much of a place we will be at one day, but a choice or a disposition. In the Bible it talks about joy, Proverbs 15:13- "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. So in a nut shell, weather or not your happy it shows on your exterior. But this idea that happiness is a mood and not a destination, is just my own thought... 

"Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections" - Author Unknown 

                        ~Sincerely Sophie 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hope like a Little Girl Playing Dress-Up

 I want to believe in it all again... hope, dreams, and good expectations. But sometimes unexpected things happen when you were not expecting anything at all. Like when you were a kid and you thought that something was one way but you were completely wrong.... When I was a little girl I thought that Hawaii was up in the sky, and I thought that there was really Santa Clause, but both were wrong, and disapointing to discover. I wanted to be a Princess when I grew up... and even tho Im in college I realize that that dream of being a princess is come true, because I am one, in the Kingdom of God! 

Leather Jacket- Walmart
Dark Washed jeans- Forever21
I was looking for a 4 leaf clover

 Well that seems to be happening a lot to me lately.... I don't know why but it just does. Sometimes Unexpected is a good thing, something you expected to be bad turns out better or something you didn't expect anything turns out actually for a benefit! You know... But with every good there is also a bad. When you expect something to be better than it turns out to be. Or when you suspect something to be just neutral and it turns out for the worse... For me this is how my life has been for a long time, me expecting to much or having high hopes and dreams. So soon I decided that I hated to hope and I thought if I didnt do it any more it would make my life easier, but It didnt.... I still don't know what exactly to do but I think now I need to dream again.... I started dreaming again, and I think you can't excape disapointment, I've been Let down again but a author once wrote "The future Belongs to those  who BELIEVE in the beauty of there dreams." Also resently in Shine (a worship night at school) I had some of my close friends pray for me to have hope again... and as they layed hands on me, I knew it, I knew I could hope again! 
~ Sincerely Sophie 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

FAll Fashion Week: Wensday~ Sparkes Fly

Sparkes Fly
Its the middle of the week and I cant wait for the weekend! Halloween is Sunday and I cant wait! But today the weather felt more like summer than Autumn/ Fall. Ive had this shirt for a while now, but it was to long and not very flattering on me, so today I cut it and made a headband out of the craps! 

Randomness:The new Taylor Swift CD came out, I love it 
But I will Blogg about it Later!!!

These shoes make me want to dance, when the fring dances along my feet when Im walking! HAHA

~Sincerely, Sophie 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Fashion Week: Tuseday~Fly away Fall

Fly Away Fall 
Today was just a comfy and a casual outfit, although I was in a creative mood. I was in the mood to keep it simple. It was my friend Jenna's Birthday so that was the most exciting part of my day! In one of my classes today I just doodled the whole time, and went on Facebook on my phone. haha I hope I'm not tested on the stuff we learned today!!! Yikes ; /

~Sincerely, Sophie 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fashion Week: Monday~ Autumn Sprinkle

Fall Fashion WEEK!!!

This week is Fall Fashion Week! A week to post all of our fun fashion trends this week. To inspire one another and get our creative juices flowing. Also to respond to one an others outfits and have fun talking to one another about our fall looks! 
Go check it out: 

Autumn Sprinkle

~Sincerely Sophie 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Let the rain fall down

Today I woke up to the sound of rain patter pattering on the roof. It was cloudy and rainy, which I was so excited cuz everything about the rain is so much fun! I got ready for the day, with a mini skirt, tights, over sized sweater and boots. Then I was off to class, but once again my class was canceled! Yay for sick professors... not really but its exciting when there is no class. Especially today because then I could do fun rain things... I want to go to Starbucks later and get tea or coffee and hangout....

Black canvas rain boots- Roxy

Favorite rain quotes: 
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Rabindranath Tagore 
Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought useless and disappointing.
Sam (Hillary Duff- A Cinderella Story)

Brielle and I 
Green over sized sweater- Forever 21
Plaid coat and black tights 

I walked back and Brielle and I sat in my car, ate  cranberry chicken salad sandwiches, and listened to the sound of the rain poring down! But we got stuck in the car, it was raining so hard! I put a scarf on my head and made a run for it. We made it but we were basically soaked! Its okay, I blow-dyed my clothes! The rain is amazing its crazy how it comes form up above, from the sky, rain is truly beautiful! 

XoXoXo ~ Sincerely Sophie 

Monday, October 11, 2010

on a good note

Yay! I walked to class this afternoon with Brielle ( my roommate) and when we got there there was a note on the door, we read it and then class was cancelled for the day! I smiled the whole way back to our dorm. Now this just put me in such a good mood so I decided it was a perfect time to blog since there was no class that I needed to be in. But so our sink in our room has been broken since the first day we moved in and we have been putting it off to call maintenance. So finally Brielle called this weekend and they came this morning but we just kept sleeping while he was in our room. Which is kinda creepy, but not as bad as Brielle taking a shower while he was in our room. While I was half awake half asleep in my bed I heard something right next to me and I thought it was the maintenance guy and so I was all weirded out that he was so close to me... I rolled over close to the wall. But when I got up I realized that it was my roommate just getting something off of the dresser next to me.

Me and Brielle in our dorm room.
Us being goofy. 

Today has been a relaxing day, I am so glad that it has been easy because I am feeling a little under the weather lately. I hope I get better though because the weather is still hot up here, it was cold and rainy last week, which made me all excited because I thought that we would actually have some new weather here in Cali but its back to being up in the 80's. Well I'm just tired of the hot weather and all of my hot temp. clothes. I love fall and winter because you get to layer and wear sweaters and boots. 

~Sincerely Sophie

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Friendly Shore...

I'm in collage in southern California and  this place is full of life. In the blink of an eye my life changed when I came here. I left my most important thing at home; my best friend Julia. But she will never be to far away to be my best friend! I know that no matter how many miles apart we are God brought us together for a reason and we won't ever be to far to be there for eachother. Although I do miss her, I really love this place. God sent me here to Vanguard, my first choice of schools. This is where I belong, I have no dought about that. It has been hard not to have a friendly shore but I have learned and made friendships which is making this shore all the more friendly. It is about half way into the semester and I am basically all adjusted, so now lets see where God takes me in this LIFE.  

~Sincerely Sophie