Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hope like a Little Girl Playing Dress-Up

 I want to believe in it all again... hope, dreams, and good expectations. But sometimes unexpected things happen when you were not expecting anything at all. Like when you were a kid and you thought that something was one way but you were completely wrong.... When I was a little girl I thought that Hawaii was up in the sky, and I thought that there was really Santa Clause, but both were wrong, and disapointing to discover. I wanted to be a Princess when I grew up... and even tho Im in college I realize that that dream of being a princess is come true, because I am one, in the Kingdom of God! 

Leather Jacket- Walmart
Dark Washed jeans- Forever21
I was looking for a 4 leaf clover

 Well that seems to be happening a lot to me lately.... I don't know why but it just does. Sometimes Unexpected is a good thing, something you expected to be bad turns out better or something you didn't expect anything turns out actually for a benefit! You know... But with every good there is also a bad. When you expect something to be better than it turns out to be. Or when you suspect something to be just neutral and it turns out for the worse... For me this is how my life has been for a long time, me expecting to much or having high hopes and dreams. So soon I decided that I hated to hope and I thought if I didnt do it any more it would make my life easier, but It didnt.... I still don't know what exactly to do but I think now I need to dream again.... I started dreaming again, and I think you can't excape disapointment, I've been Let down again but a author once wrote "The future Belongs to those  who BELIEVE in the beauty of there dreams." Also resently in Shine (a worship night at school) I had some of my close friends pray for me to have hope again... and as they layed hands on me, I knew it, I knew I could hope again! 
~ Sincerely Sophie 


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. Love love love. Uber cute! <3

  2. awww thankyou so much! you should become a follower i would love that! <3 <3 <3
