Thursday, December 15, 2011

Two weeks left and about a week late

So this is a delayed post. But better late than never! Right? I think maybe? anyways....
We have two weeks in between Thanksgiving break and Winter break kinda random if you ask me.
The library and I have become best friends! wwwhooot whooot! But actually I really do love it, they had apple cider to be festive for the holidays which is kinda cute. oh how I love our small town school! Sometimes I feel like our school is like the town from Gilmore Girls, that Loralie and Rorie live in where everyone knows everyone and everyone gets excited for the littlest things!
Here is the Cider in my new home...... Library sweet Library 


There was a group of 30 little girls who came to the library
and they were singing Christmas Caroles to help raise our spirits.
and get our study on! so sweet! 

Maci and Jenna 

Aww Vanguard, and our little tree! 

Maci, Nolan, and I at the all school Christmas party! 

Research Paper...errr 

I guess we wernt the only ones ready fro break, one of my proffesors
gave me a "Byonce" on one of my practice papers! haha
I have no clue what that means! hahah 

So Jessica and I took a study break to be so random, and drive to L.A.
We went to this wearhouse sale for "LF Boutique" which has uber cute stuff, its just all too expensive for broke penny pinching college students like us! ha It was so neat though... after get lost and ending up at the actual store, we finally arived and got to sort through piles and piles of clothes! ( I felt like I was looking though the set of Gossip Girl's woredrobe, a dream right) but I ended up only buying a indian sweater and a headband, cuz even though the prices were lower 5-45 I still had to control myself and save my mula for christmas presents!

But now I am finished with finals and I couldnt be more relieved! yippy! I don't want to leave for home, cuz I will miss it so much. This christmas will be so much different than any other with my parents seperated now and what not! But I will fill you in as it happens! Some more reasently....
I love my job, my little kidos water painting! 

Babysitting at a beach house in Newport! 

Thanks for reading, or at least looking at pictures!
-Sincerely Sophie

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sincerely Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving people! 
So although I needed a school break, I wasnt really ready to go home this week. A lot of changes have been going on in my life at home in Carlsbad. I guess it's just hard cuz they are all negative and there going to and have effected the holiday season. There is just that annoying feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is not how it's should be, all broken. 

Needless to say Thanksgiving was just different then it ever had been before. There were positives though, I loved getting to spend quality time with my family in the sperts of time we were able to be together. 
I am so thankfull for my Savior, he is the one who is always constant and there for me. I know he will never change no matter how many changes are happening in my life. He is the one who has given me everything that I love Amazing school, friends, best friend, dog, sisters, food, parents, grandparents, and countless other things! Lets just remember to ALWAYS give thanks!

Clothes for the next couple days at "home"

all packed up

Now I am home
Coffee with the best friend at Vanakia! 

Beautiful Carlsbad Sunset

Dad and Grandma cooken the fooooodddd!!!!

Beutiful little sister Bella! 

Dad of many trades

Bella, Olivia and I hair train. 

After Thanksgiving meal walk with the doggies, Daddy, and Bella!
Sorry for not having any pictures of when I was with my Mom and her side of Grandparents! Or any pictures of me and my outfits actually on me! errr sorry guys! Tomorrow I am going to be with Julia all day! yay and a best friend sleepover too! eeekkk I'll have to do a post of our day together too! 

-Sincerely Sophie 

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Week Through my Camera Phones Eyes....

Lunch with the sisters at Islands

Sister Livvy (Olivia) better known as one of my favorite people! 

Meet Derek.
Meet my pepermint moca from Starbucks and Maci's "green machine" from Nekter.

This is how cool we are.... this is how we spent out

Oh yeah and we missed 11:11 am.....
11:11 pm!
(only in my life) 

Basically the highlight of my friday night. was actually really really really cool! well i had fun with it. But I think Maci was getting a kink in her neck!

(get your roommate a date)
she was not my date, i promise i had a real live boy as my date for once! ha

Roscoes Chicken and Walfels 

my want of the moment... baby floppy ear bunny!

....and this is what I get for letting people wear my clothes!
WE MATCHED! ALL MY CLOTHES.... mmmhhhmmm i think Jessica spyed on me to see what to wear!

That has been my life through my camera phone this past week!

~xoxoxo Sincerely,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Picture Inspiration: Wednesday #1

I want to start posting pictures that I find and have found on the Internet every Wednesday, hence "Picture Inspiration Wednesday."Typically I always just save them to my inspiration folder on my computer, but I thought, "why not inspire others, with whats inspired me!" I know its sorta lameness, but I need to start posting on a regular basis and I think this should help!

       { this wee, actually just lately my life has been crazy with sad and frustrating family drama, and all the homework and stress of up here at school.... its just crazy} 

~Hope I inspired you~ 
Happy Inspiration Wednesday

                          Sincerely, Sophie ;) 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Its about time

Today is the day.... the day to wake up my blog from the DEAD!

                  Dear Blog, I am so sorry for neglecting you for so long!
 I know you have been board stuck
                        on July 19th... life has been crazy, 
and that's when I should have been using you most. So sorry again.
 Let me get you up to speed, well I am back at Vanguard for year numba two! 
I love it even more that last year and I didn't know that was possible. 
I live with Brielle again and our other friend Tyra! It has been good so far, I was worried about the dynamic, but randomly its working really well. To much has happened to tell you it all, 
but I do have my tumbler that I have at least posted pictures on. Oh news.... I got an 
iPhone {crazy huh} its so fun. Life has been alot of downs lately. 
But it is making all the good times so much better. 
I'll be back for a while I hope! talk to you more. 
~sincerely Sophie 

Well, any who I really want to get back into blogging! Plus it is my favorite season.... Autumn! I am gonna post a few pictures, because a picture says 1,000 words. Just some randomness okkie dokkie. 

.summer beach time.

Tea Party for lovely Ashlee's Birthday 

Cup Cakes .... oh work

New piercing for the end of summer
new room Catalina 420! ha. {it already looks different} 


boba with jess

These are the roomies
me. tyra. brielle 

I hope this got you all up to speed!
~Sincerely Sophie