Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sincerely Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving people! 
So although I needed a school break, I wasnt really ready to go home this week. A lot of changes have been going on in my life at home in Carlsbad. I guess it's just hard cuz they are all negative and there going to and have effected the holiday season. There is just that annoying feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is not how it's should be, all broken. 

Needless to say Thanksgiving was just different then it ever had been before. There were positives though, I loved getting to spend quality time with my family in the sperts of time we were able to be together. 
I am so thankfull for my Savior, he is the one who is always constant and there for me. I know he will never change no matter how many changes are happening in my life. He is the one who has given me everything that I love Amazing school, friends, best friend, dog, sisters, food, parents, grandparents, and countless other things! Lets just remember to ALWAYS give thanks!

Clothes for the next couple days at "home"

all packed up

Now I am home
Coffee with the best friend at Vanakia! 

Beautiful Carlsbad Sunset

Dad and Grandma cooken the fooooodddd!!!!

Beutiful little sister Bella! 

Dad of many trades

Bella, Olivia and I hair train. 

After Thanksgiving meal walk with the doggies, Daddy, and Bella!
Sorry for not having any pictures of when I was with my Mom and her side of Grandparents! Or any pictures of me and my outfits actually on me! errr sorry guys! Tomorrow I am going to be with Julia all day! yay and a best friend sleepover too! eeekkk I'll have to do a post of our day together too! 

-Sincerely Sophie 

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