Monday, December 27, 2010

Magnified Emotion

Whats in a song? Lyrics, tunes, sound, rhythm, heart.... i think it is for us to decide. I believe there are two kinds of people out there in this world that to listen to music, there are two kinds of people out there. There is the lyric people, the people like me who listen to the lyrics, the meaning of the song and annalize the hell out of it. We are the ones that can feel the words in our heart the kind that cause us to think or relate with the musician to such a strong extent that you feel like they know exactly how you feel and know exactly what your going through. Or the music people, kind that listen to the music just to dance, they are the ones who like the beat, the sounds that get them off their feet and put them in the mood to move. I sorta think there is magic in lyrics, new songs or songs that i have never heard always seem to find me when the lyrics fit perfectly with what I am going through. 

I don't know what it is about music  that can change my mood, or give me hope, but all I know is I wouldn't know what to do without it.
This was a gift for my best friend Julias Birthday

I love the look of boots with high socks
It gives a pop of fun to your legs! 
I think God gave us music, ultimately to worship Him. But not solemnly for that reason alone, for a way to be creative, for a way to connect with each other, a way to magnify emotions. God has told us multiple times to sing to him in worship. He has also blessed us with many gifts, some are good at athletics, others are better at artistic things much like music. So he us humans beautiful voices, or talents with instruments, but whatever it is we need to use it to glorify our Creator. Music is an emotional outlet, it is a way for the artists to realise there emotions, and those who listen to the music receive an emotional experience.

This is not fact what so ever, it is just my take on the subject. But one fact is that I love music, all kinds, i love that it allows you to cope with the lyrics in the songs a way that nothing else can do. Or it allows you to forget your worries and be carefree and just dance.

~Sincerely Sophie 

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